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How to reschedule a match

To reschedule a match on playday.ugc.gg, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the league or tournament page on playday.ugc.gg that you are participating in.
  2. Locate the specific event or match that you want to reschedule.
  3. Enter the lobby or match page associated with your match.
  4. If the match has not started yet, you may see a "Request Reschedule" or "Report No Show" button on the page.
  5. Click on the "Request Reschedule" button to initiate the rescheduling process.
  6. A notification and email will be sent to your opponent to accept or decline the reschedule request.
  7. You will receive an email and notification with either the new match lobby for the rescheduled challenge or a statement explaining the denial.

Please note that rescheduling a match is subject to the rules and policies of the league or tournament. The availability of rescheduling options may vary depending on the specific event. Additionally, only captains or coaches of the team have the authority to request rescheduling or report a no-show on playday.ugc.gg. By following these steps and meeting the necessary role requirements, you can initiate the process to reschedule a match and communicate with your opponent regarding the new match arrangements.